Q-ring and E-ring is the new bicycle ring design that is articulated for Bloorcourt Village BIA, Toronto. The form is inspired by ?(question mark) and !(exclamation mark), which are the universal sign used in various language groups. These shapes represent the essentials of target area; diversity, unity and multi-cultural community.
Also, they deliver various moods in terms of human emotions despite of their simple shape so that it will arouse different experience to users.
Primary Research
To observe current bicycle rack designs in designated area andcollect information of current condition for further design, me and my colleagues visited the street. We browsed most of the area and tried to examine the existing bike rack models carefully.
This bicycle locking ring and post is one of the most common bike rack designs in Toronto. They are installed beside the roadat intervals of 2.5 meters. The combination of middle pole andring form provides space for locking for maximum 2 bicycles.Also, the ring can be proper place for laying a pedal.
On the other hand, its raw colour makes aestheticallyunappealing and some of them appeared unhygienic, defiled,
and damaged. Moreover, its opened-easy access sometimesbecomes obstacle to people on the road or causes theft.
At some locations, multi type bicycle racks are installed in thearea. This installation offers maximum 5 bicycles to be parkedwith metal frames. Furthermore, there is a bicycle air pump
beside this rack for users’ convenience.
However, an user need to chained his/her bike by windingbetween the body frame and the front wheel, because itdoesn’t provide additional frame for locking.
This unicycle form installation is actually designed asa bicycle rack. All four frames are rigidly attachedwith each other and have smooth surface. It is easilycan be noticed because of its unique shape and thelarge circular frame provides both locking and parking
Although its handle forms look aesthetically pleasing,they seem to cause inconvenience because each frame is attached too close to use.
Secondary Research
The recent statistics by Cycle Toronto, it indicates that there is a growing number of bicycle users in Toronto. Also, there has been high demand for more bicycle racks in the city correspondingly.
Current problems of existing bicycle racks
- Limited amount of spots
- Inconvenience of usage
- Become obstacle for pedestrians
- Aesthetically unpleasing
Possible Solutions
- Increasing space between each frame
- Using various colours and forms
- Applying different materials
Concept Development
Final Model
Unlike the existing bike rack, Q-ring and E-ring are fabricated with rounded edge and smooth surface which prevent both a user and a bike from damaging. Also, both has great amount of locking space so that a user can comfortably park his/her bike. Furthermore, its aesthetically pleasing appearance will draw riders’ eyes and they can easily notice where the bike rack is located.
The ring is composed of three different parts: body, bottom and rod. It is designed to be installed easily by assembling and inserting the rod with body and bottom part through down to the ground. As following the bike rack placement policy of Toronto, the distance between Q-ring and E-ring is going to be 1.5m and the set of two racks are installed at a interval of 2.5 m.
The main material of the model is Corten, which is economical and practical for mass production. The three parts are able to be formulated by simple casting. Painting body part with festive colours will show its aesthetic better.
Also, it could be easily manufactured by applying laser cut method. In this way, the model is able to be made out of one Corten sheet without any assembly, which is economical and efficient.